Ways to overcome jet lag

We anticipate dealing with lengthier queues and additional formalities as we gradually resume our foreign trips. We’ll have to leave earlier for the airport and take longer to get where we’re going. The last thing you want to deal with on a travel day is additional jet lag, and all of these factors make the day longer.

Jet lag is an inherent biorhythmic disorientation that occurs when traveling to a new time zone, but it can be minimized to make the first day at your destination much more enjoyable.

How to Get Rid of Jet Lag Before Taking Off

Making lifestyle changes prior to boarding the aircraft is one of the most effective strategies to avoid jet lag. We discovered that doing this greatly helped us minimize the impacts of jet lag when we were at the destination while we were traveling across numerous time zones.

Adjust your internal clock prior to departure.

It seems like most articles discuss how to overcome jet lag after landing, but our recommendation is to begin the process well in advance of your trip. Although it may seem unfeasible or cumbersome, this has actually worked for us.

We found that using the Timeshifter App made things lot easier, but you may try this manually a few days before you go and build up your own plan of when you should nap, when you should go to bed, etc. Depending on where we are flying, it even indicates when to avoid caffeine, take a nap, take melatonin, and whether or not to expose yourself to strong light.

This was a major aid in preparing our bodies for our destination landing. It also provides you with advice and ideas for when you land.

How To Reduce Airplane Jet Lag

If you didn’t follow our advise to prepare before changing time zones, there are still things you can do on the plane to lessen the symptoms of jet lag. Hopefully, you did.

One of the simplest things you can do during the journey to lessen the affects of jet lag once you’re on the ground is to make sure you’re drinking enough water. We don’t want dehydration to make it harder for the body to adapt to the new circadian rhythm.

It is advised that you bring a reusable water bottle with you and fill it before takeoff. In this manner, you may stay fully hydrated throughout your journey and avoid having to wait for them to bring water around. Recall that you must drink even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Alcohol is not used while flying. We leaped at the chance to drink a glass of wine on a flight when we were first time travelers, but we had to pay for it afterwards. Alcohol has stronger effects at higher altitudes, and flying causes rapid dehydration.

Though it might not be the most popular option, we advise saving your alcohol until when you get to the resort or hotel. Your body will be appreciative.

Try not to use Sleep-Aids.

We make every effort to avoid using sleeping drugs. Our preference is for the transformation to occur organically. However, utilize a natural medication like melatonin if you must use sleep aids. Since other sleeping drugs force you to sleep against your will, they may make it more difficult for you to recover from jet lag.

Get to Bed

Traveling while sleeping might be quite difficult. However, if your Jet Lag Plan specifies that you need to get some rest, make sure you follow through. Although it is difficult to fall asleep on a plane, it can be more comfortable than you might imagine if you have the correct travel cushion and sleep mask.

When I have to sleep on a plane, I ask to be seated by the window to avoid being bothered by others getting up to use the restroom, and I also tell the flight attendant not to wake me up when I’m eating.

How to Overcome Jet Lag Upon Arrival

You ought to be in excellent shape if you have followed all of our recommendations up to this point for treating jet lag. To make things even simpler, there are a few things you should do as soon as you land.

Avoid falling asleep immediately

Although your body naturally wants to go to sleep when bedtime arrives in your local time zone, it is advisable to resist the urge and stay up instead. The hardest thing to do is usually this because your body naturally wants to sleep at its regular bedtime. We recommend venturing outside for a hike or walking trip. You can stay awake till the right hour by exercising of any kind.

Trick Your Body with Food

When it comes to the body acclimating to new time zones, food is also the trigger. Meals have a tendency to be associated with specific times of the day. When you arrive at your location, use this to your advantage. For instance, even if we are not hungry, we attempt to have breakfast as soon as we land on a night journey to Europe.

This is an additional method of fooling your body into believing that breakfast is time and that everything should proceed according to plan. Even though it could be the middle of the night at home, you will benefit from bringing your body into sync with the time zone sooner rather than later.

Have a Restful Night’s Sleep

It may be harder than it seems to do this, particularly if you have traveled across several time zones. However, it will be lot simpler if you have heeded our advice and adhered to our jet lag tips. It’s time to take your melatonin supplements if you find yourself having trouble falling asleep. Because it naturally helps our body’s circadian clock adjust, we like to take it right before bed.

At least an hour before going to bed, try to keep the blinds closed, the lights down, and, if you can, avoid using your computer or phone. Blue light has the potential to seriously disrupt your sleep cycles.

Every tourist will experience jet lag at some point throughout their journey. Even though it may not be easy to switch time zones and reset your body’s internal clock, if you use these suggestions, we guarantee that your next trip will leave you feeling more alert and invigorated.

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