How to Travel More Responsibly and Environmentally

Traveling will undoubtedly have an influence on the environment, albeit a variable one depending on the destination and our travel patterns. This impact might range from gasoline use to plastic consumption to local conservation. Naturally, this doesn’t mean that we should all quit traveling; rather, it only means that we should choose wisely when we do.

Making little adjustments and choices that benefit the environment is the first step in becoming a more conscientious and ecologically conscious tourist. These incredibly simple actions can all be taken by us to travel in a more environmentally conscious manner.

How to Travel More Responsibly and Environmentally

Look for Eco-Friendly Lodging

Unbeknownst to you, hotels throughout the world have environmental certifications of approval. This is known as LEEDS Approval in the US, but there are additional programs like EarthCheck (Australia), Rainforest Alliance (South America), and Green Tourism (UK, and some sections of Canada and Italy) in other parts of the world.

Looking for eco-friendly lodging? A good way to start your search is by making a reservation at an accredited hotel.

To go above and beyond, find out what kind of internal sustainability programs the hotel employs. Look at the hotel’s recycling program, use of energy-efficient lightbulbs, green laundry policies, etc.

Pack reusables for your trip.

Bringing as many reusable products as possible with you is a terrific way to reduce the amount of plastic waste that you produce. It’s a good idea to pack a small set of silverware (I really like this bamboo travel set!), metal straws, a coffee mug, your own water bottle (these are fantastic foldable ones!), bags, and toiletries.

In certain situations, this is also a wonderful idea for your pocketbook!

Encourage regional conservation

Whenever you can, try to support local conservation activities, whether or not you intend to spend a lot of time in the outdoors during your stay. For instance, you may donate to regional initiatives or use a tour service where a portion of the fees are used to support conservation.

In the event that you do want to spend a lot of time in the outdoors, always remember to respect the local flora by staying in specified places, leaving no trace behind, and going above and above by cleaning up parks or beaches.

Carbon Offset

When you travel, your carbon footprint increases even if you think of yourself as rather environmentally conscious at home. Given that aviation contributes up to 2% of global carbon emissions, most flight companies now offer customers the opportunity to purchase a carbon credit at the time of booking. There are certain programs that allow you to purchase these credits straight if they don’t.

The money you pay for these credits usually goes toward energy efficiency initiatives or reforestation projects. Just make sure you do your homework so you understand how your money will be put to use.

Consume Locally

Eat and drink seasonal foods that are sourced locally rather than food that has been shipped in, which will increase your carbon footprint. This can be easily accomplished by studying sustainable restaurants in advance or by purchasing at local markets.

This approach not only helps your health but also supports nearby suppliers and farms.

Make Reservations With An Eco-Aware Tour Operator

If you intend to go on a tour during your trip, check sure the firm participates in any green projects by doing some advance research on them. Many of the larger tour operators participate in carbon offset programs and have made a commitment to help small businesses in the community.

Recognize animals

One of my favorite things about traveling is getting to see new animal species, but I’m constantly conscious of how I go about doing this.

In general, it’s acceptable to observe animals while on a trip—whale watching, safaris, etc.—as long as we don’t interfere with their routines or surroundings. That being said, it is no longer acceptable to engage in hazardous activities like riding elephants, and direct interaction with wild animals is usually discouraged.

When making a decision, go with your intuition, be sure to investigate any company that has an animal affiliation beforehand, and do everything in your power to preserve the animals’ natural habitats.

When feasible, take public transportation.

Even if they’re not the most comfortable vehicles, buses are the best option for those who care about the environment. You may significantly reduce your carbon footprint by using public transportation instead of flying.

Think About Your Keepsakes

The reason souvenirs are so popular is that they’re wonderful keepsakes of a location. Having said that, the best keepsakes are those that directly help the community and don’t harm the environment.

While it’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t purchase anything made of ivory or coral, try going above and above the usual and getting your next souvenir from a local maker. In addition to directly supporting the local economy, you’ll also receive a far cooler item in exchange.


Recycling need to be a top priority whenever feasible, regardless of where you are in the world. The majority of big cities and hotels have recycling programs. If you are concerned that your destination may not have recycling, discard as much packaging as you can from essentials like toiletries before you travel.

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